Magician of Colors : Marc Chagall

13 Feb

Marc Chagall was just a “famous Russian French artist” to me until I met him…..
On my last day of Lunar Holiday, my entire family went on a trip to the Seoul Museum of Art with the lead of my mother. Here, I was able to see approximately about 160 masterpieces of Chagall. As I already mentioned before this exhibition, the name Chagall didn’t give make me even twitch. It was so new and just unfamiliar. However, after seeing the amazing color scheme, unique drawings (can’t really explain…) somehow I became interested and wanted to see more and more of his art works. I was able to discover how most of the his work’s color scheme is dark and cold (which I assume it’ slither from the impact of the conflict he faced with other artists or the historical background of the dictatorship…)

[ Exhibition Info ]
Place : Seoul Museum of Art
Date : 12.03.10 ~ 03.27.11

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